Приватний інноваційний вищий навчальний заклад IV рівня акредитації в місті Дніпро, Україна. Якісна освіта, що відповідає міжнародним стандартам.

Новопавлівський ліцей Новопавлівської сільської ради Дніпропетровської області



Прочитайте текст та виконайти вправи нижче письмово в зошитах на 17.03.2020. 

Eugene Paton

One can name many outstanding scientists in Ukraine, but I'd like to tell about the man, whose name is known all over the world. This is Eugene Paton. He was born in the family of Russian Consul in Nice, France in 1870. He was a graduate of Dresden Polytechnic Institute, Germany. But when he came back to St Petersburg as a famous engineer (architect), he suddenly changed his mind as to his occupation. He became a student of St Petersburg University being a famous engineer and having the project of the Dresden railway station to his credit.

In a year, he passed all the exams and got a degree of a railway engineer. Paton was the first to found the Soviet school of bridge- building. He was awarded the title of the Honourable member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. He decided to change his profession when he was 60. "The wish to serve the people made me to take up the new job—the electric welding," he said.

He became the founder of the first institute of the electric welding in the world. When he was 80, he headed the design and construction of the first boltless bridge in Kyiv. The bridge is 1150 metres long and is called after Paton. The Research Institute of Electric Welding is called after Paton too.

1. Are the statement below true or false according to the text. (Зазначте, твердження правильне чи ні, Ex. 4 a p. 169).

1) Eugene Paton was born in Moscow in 1870.

2) His father was Russian Consul in Nice, France.

3) Paton graduated from Dresden Medical Institute and later became a famous surgeon.

4) Eugene Paton graduated from St Petersburg University and then had a project of the Dresden railway station.

5) He got a degree of a railway engineer at Dresden Polytechnical Institute.

6) Paton was a founder of bridge-building.

7) At the age of 60 he took up the electric welding.

8) He headed the construction of the first wooden bridge in Kyiv.

9) The bridge is 2000 metres long.

10) The name of Paton has been given to the bridge and to the Research Institute in St Petersburg.

2. Answer the questions about Eugene Paton in exercise 4 c) p. 171 (відповісти коротко на запитання в підручнику на ст. 171 завдання 4 с)