Приватний інноваційний вищий навчальний заклад IV рівня акредитації в місті Дніпро, Україна. Якісна освіта, що відповідає міжнародним стандартам.

Новопавлівський ліцей Новопавлівської сільської ради Дніпропетровської області



Тема: Семестрова контрольна робота з читання

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Тексти для читання

Text 1 The boy and the door



There was a small shop in a little street in an old town. In the shop there were 

beautiful things made of silver and gold. The small shop had a door that opened 

on the little street. The shopkeeper was standing at the open door.


“Come and buy! Come and buy!” called  the shopkeeper. “Come into my shop and 

see all the beautiful things!” again he called. “Come in! I shall show you beautiful things made of 

silver and gold.”

One day the shopkeeper had to go away to the king’s palace. The king wanted a 

beautiful gold ring and a silver cup from the shop. The shopkeeper called the boy 

who work for him. “I’m going to the king’s palace,” he said. “You must stay  here. Do not leave the door of the shop 

whatever happens. Do you understand?” “Yes, I understand,” said the boy.

The shopkeeper went away, and soon he came to the king’s palace. He gave the 

king, the ring and the cup. Then he went home. Soon he was back at his shop. He 

stopped and looked up in astonishment. “What is this?” he cried. “Why are so 

many people going into my shop?” Then the shopkeeper saw that the door of the 

shop was gone and so was the boy who work for him. Just then, the shopkeeper saw the boy.  He was in the street near the shop. The 

boy  had the shop door on his back. He was standing in the square looking at some men who were doing tricks.

The shopkeeper ran to the boy. “I told you not to leave my shop,” he cried. “No,” said the boy. “You told me not to 

leave the door. I did just as you said. I did not leave the door. I have the door here with me.”


Text 2 A Surprise Party for Gerry

Gerry was feeling very sorry for himself. He had broken his leg, and he was in hospital. He had already been there for three weeks. Worst of all, it

was his thirteenth birthday, and he didn’t want to be in hospital for that. He was stuck in bed, and it was boring, boring, boring.

His birthday had started in the same way as the previous days in hospital. At half past ten the doctor came to see him. “Happy birthday, Gerry,” she said. “Can I look at your cards?” Gerry had received cards from his family and a cute one from his neighbours, but not one from his friends. Even Frankie, his best friend, had forgotten him. He was feeling rather miserable. Maybe they didn’t care about him.

At lunch time his mother arrived. She had brought a dozen gifts for Gerry and soon his bed was covered in wrapping paper. His best present was a CD player. “Thanks, Mum,” he said. “That’s just what I need in here.” Things were looking up.

Suddenly there was a lot of noise from outside the door. Then the door flew open, and his whole class walked in. First, they sang “Happy Birthday to You” very loudly and gave him a huge card. Then they crowded round his bed and looked at all his gifts. Next, Frankie’s mother came in with a big birthday cake and paper plates. After that his classmates gave him three CDs of his favourite band. Finally, they sat around his bed and ate birthday cake.

Then Gerry’s doctor came in. “We need some peace and quiet in here,” she teased. “How would you like to go home tomorrow?”

“Wow,” said Gerry. “That’s a spectacular birthday present.”